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FAQ 's


Where is Hispaniola Aquatic Adventures Located?
A We are located at Plaza Bibijagua in Bavaro, Punta Cana. Our tour starts from this location.


Where does the tour travel to?
A Our starting point is at the Plaza Bibijagua Beach and we navigate on the coast of Bavaro. Our first stop is a reef for snorkeling, our second stop is the deserted beach and our last stop is the natural pool area. You can find more details of these stops in our “Catamaran Experience” section.


What kind of boats do you use?
A We use motorized catamarans. Our 2 smaller ones have sails, however, due to our location, it is rare that we can navigate with our sails only.


Are the catamarans easily accessible?
A Yes, we use a platform that takes you from the beach to the catamaran. This platform has a decently inclined ramp with rails and anti-slip floor. Once the platform reaches the catamaran, you are only one step away. We have had many clients with physical disabilities join us. Our crew is also very attentive and helpful.


Do the catamarans have bathrooms?
A Yes, all our catamarans have at least one bathroom on board.


Does the tour offer snorkeling equipment?
A Yes, all gear is included and adjustable.


Is this tour safe for children?
A Yes! Whether you decide to go on our semi-private tour for families or you book a private tour, our tour is perfect for all ages. Our crew is well trained and experience with all ages.


Are infants allowed on the boat?
A Although we do not recommend that children under the age of 2 go on the boat, it is not prohibited. Parents are and will always be responsible for their infant’s health state.


Is there shade on the boat?
A All our catamarans have a small-large over cover which offers a shaded area during the tour. Please note the amount of shade will depend on the size of the catamaran.


What happens in case of bad weather?
A Our Company wants you to have the best experience possible. If our Operations team determines that the weather or sea conditions are not suitable for the tour, we will reschedule you. If for whatever reason you cannot be rescheduled due to your vacation ending or no other availability, we will be more than happy to give you a full refund.


Are you able to adapt to dietary restrictions and/or preferences?
A Whether you do not like seafood or simply cannot eat it, we have a variety of meal options for you. If you have any allergies, please note them in the “comments” section when you are processing your booking with us. Your safety is our priority. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, do not worry, just let us know and we will give you your options.
